


This week, my fab-o button that Jenna made me is being featured on Twelve Crafts Until Christmas.  Isn't that fun??  Still love the button she made.  Twelve Weeks is a new blog for me.  It's a great concept getting ready for a handmade Christmas all year.  I have good intentions with poor follow through.  I loved her mail carrier set that she made. 

Today, my sweet Dad is going in for another quadrouple by-pass surgery.  It's so stressful for us to see him go through it all again.  Nearly 2 1/2 years ago, he starting feeling tightness in his chest.  Heart problems didn't plague him like they do for my mom, but he thought he should have it checked out.  It was a good thing because he had major blockage and was scheduled for by-pass surgery.  No one knows why, but the surgery didn't take.  The whole bottom of his heart was not getting much oxygen.  They did stints, changed medications and everything that they do for these problems.  Nothing worked.  He started having major heart pain again and the doctor suggested another surgery.  Stints were more risky and most likely would not work.  It's been a waiting game.  The surgery was supposed to be last Thursday, got pushed to today at 7am, then just pushed back again and won't be until 2pm.  I can't imagine how my sweet Papa must feel having to wait and wait. 

Because of Papa's surgery 2 1/2 years ago, I started to make tassels.  I made them for my house, then family and friends, then neighbors and so forth.  Nervous energy needed to be channeled and before I knew it, I was making them by the dozens.  I don't make them as much anymore, but it's feeling like I need to do something to keep my mind and hands busy while I wait.

Speaking of crafting, I have a friend in the neighborhood that just was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is young and has two young daughters, just 4 and 2 years old.  She starts chemo on Thursday and desperately wants to make a wig out of her own hair.  A bunch of us in the neighborhood are going to have a fund raiser for her.  Donations are being accepted in any amount.  There will be haircuts, photography and crafty goods.  I want to make something for my Etsy shop that I can donate the proceeds to her.  If anyone is interested in helping the cause, please let me know.  Until then, it's time to worry some more.  Argh.  This is not fun.


  1. Hi! I found your blog thru "Twelve Crafts Till Christmas" - it is beautiful ... and I am your newest follower!!
    I hope your father's surgery goes well. What a trying time for him and all of you.
    Your friend with breast cancer is in my prayers, too. My mother had breast cancer 10 years ago and has made a full recovery.
    Warmest regards to you.

  2. Thinking of you and your father today, Megan.

    Let me think on what I can offer for your friend...

  3. Meg I heart you. Hope your papa is fine. Let me kbow what I can do.
